The Advanced Story Point System [ASPS]

Created by Fool's Moon Entertainment, Inc.

The Advanced Story Point System, a core game engine with extreme flexibility allowing GMs to fully customise their game setting.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Getting Close Now
about 2 years ago – Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 09:52:05 PM

Sorry for the delays in updating. We are working hard behind the scenes to complete the books! ASPS has finished edits; there was one chapter for sample settings [called shells] missing, so the team is hard at work completing that. We have a few more pieces of art to complete as well, then it's off to layout and the printers!

Keepsakes is only a little behind it. The first edit pass is complete. Now the files are being gone over and consolidated, then a second edit will happen. From there, the art is complete so it's just off to layout and the printer!

The dice are nearly complete; our crafter is waiting on new, sturdier molds to complete the remaining batch.

Plushies have their fabric purchased and will be sewn and stuffed together soon. A few of the dragons are already completed.

As a thank you for your patience, every one of you who have placed an order will receive the raw text file of BOTH games. This will be without the art and layout, but it will get the games into your hands sooner while you await the formal pdfs and/or physical copies that you backed for.

We're including some progress pictures, so you can see what goes into the art process of many of the pieces. Hope you find them informative and interesting, and get a taste for some of the art and characters awaiting you in ASPS!

Things begin with a mood board, where various images are assembled to get a feel for characterisation and art direction.
Then different versions are roughly sketched to determine which way to build up from.
Then the real work begins, sketching out the character and any surroundings - in this case, his companion animals
Then we sample colours to decide what shades to use to use.
It all starts coming together! You'll see the final render of Tamper and his companions in the book :)
This badass pair is the final render of Fire/Fyre. They are one robot! They have male and female presenting forms, and different car styles for each gender. You can spot some of the same panels between them!
Bonus - we couldn't decide between A or B, we liked them both so much! So expect to spot BOTH differently-abled superheroes in the pages of ASPS!

Apologies, News, and Charities
over 2 years ago – Mon, May 02, 2022 at 03:17:52 PM

Sorry it's been so long since the last update! Our management team was away for vacation, and we had to deal with two separate hacking incidents of our CEO's Discord which caused us to need to rebuild the company server from scratch. No small feat, I assure you. But the space is more secure now, and the community once again thriving and growing. You can join us at

Progress continues apace. Much like most projects, we have been affected by delays in the industry. Our ASPS dev editor had to step back for personal reasons and it took some time to secure a replacement. We have one now, and they are hard at work. Edits should be complete by mid-June, and then it's off to layout. We anticipate being able to send it out for printing in July. In the meantime, once it is complete, we will release the pdf to those who backed for one so you aren't all waiting on the physical editions before you can sink your teeth into our new system!

Keepsakes is right behind ASPS. That dev editor has just received the completed writing from all the authors and will begin work this week! It is anticipated that will be ready for layout not long after ASPS is, so we're finally to the light at the end of the tunnel!

While our writers and artists have been hard at work, the rest of our team has been organising a charity stream. What began as a small idea to host a couple of game streams grew and grew as more and more volunteered. We are now running a 36 hour Twitch stream of tabletop games, raising funds for 10 LGBTQIA+ charities globally:

Sunday, May 1st 2022

5AM - 9AM EST : Vampire the Masquerade V20

9AM - 1PM EST : Broken Tales

1PM - 5PM EST : Fox Magic

5PM - 9PM EST : Zin Never Dies

9PM - 1AM EST : Star Trek: Adventures

Monday, May 2nd 2022

1AM - 5AM EST : Metahumans Rising

5AM - 9AM EST : Coyote & Crow

9AM - 1PM EST : Dungeons & Dragons 5e, Adventurer's League

1PM - 5PM EST : Dungeons & Dragons 5e, Adventurer's League

Donations will be equally split between the following charities:

Lambda Legal

The Trevor Project

Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice

Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion

Egale Canada

Kaleidoscope International Trust

All Out

Sexual Minorities Uganda

The Humsafar Trust

LGBTIQ+ Health Australia

In giving donations, you can aid the players or the GM during the sessions, and are entered to win one of several prizes from our sponsors at LoreSmyth, Session Zero Games, Ritual Motion, Elderwood Academy, Possum Creek Games, World of Asunder, The World Anvil, Zin Never Dies, DriveThruRPG, Geek & Artsy, Hatchling Games, Tentacle Kitty, and House Dok Productions! 

Come join us, donate, and enjoy the fun!

February Update
over 2 years ago – Sat, Feb 05, 2022 at 11:35:02 PM

Christopher here, head of FMEI.

With COVID still tearing through the country (including hitting some people close to me), things are up in the air, but we're still moving forward.  The first two "books" of Keepsakes are written, and the fourth "book" took an unexpected, better, turn due to the writer mishearing something - meaning that our backers are going to get a little bit extra in that book.

ASPS is moving forward - there's been a lot of back and forth between me and the co-author/editor. Artwork is coming along, even if it's at a slow pace.  We're still hoping to have all the writing done by the end of March - knock on wood. We're a little behind schedule, but we're still pushing forward.

If you want to help us further, consider hitting our Patreon ( Fool's Moon | Patreon ) and show your support there. It'll help us continue to pay our writers, editors, and artists and keep things moving forward.

Take care, stay safe!


Season's Greetings!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Dec 22, 2021 at 11:22:15 AM

With the holiday season upon us, our writers are taking a break to be with their families. COVID has all but prevented the convention season, where we'd be able to show off our work, but we were able to write and release an adventure for Fox Magic, which uses the original SPS system. That, and the original Fox Magic game, will be released shortly as a print on demand, giving you a look at the roots of the game. We will be releasing the adventure for free to backers as an apology for the delays.

ASPS is slowly coming together, and the final bits of writing for Keepsakes is well underway. We're hoping to have a quick start adventure soon for Keepsakes, which will also be free to our backers. Stay tuned. Again, sorry for the delays, but we're still hard at work trying to get everything together for you!

New PDF add-on available on Backerkit!
almost 3 years ago – Sun, Oct 31, 2021 at 01:58:31 PM

When two children from a sleepy town go missing, the parents fear the worst and call upon the aid of the local shrine, who send a team of Foxes to the desolate haunted house on Kuromori Hill. Can they stop the evil, and bring the children home?

This one-shot adventure comes complete with pregenerated characters and a condensed rules summary, so you can run this without the necessity of the core rulebook if desired.

Fox Magic - Kuromori Hill. Just added on Backerkit for $6 CAD.