The Advanced Story Point System [ASPS]

Created by Fool's Moon Entertainment, Inc.

The Advanced Story Point System, a core game engine with extreme flexibility allowing GMs to fully customise their game setting.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Happy New Year
2 months ago – Wed, Jan 08, 2025 at 12:22:22 PM

Happy new year! 

We hope your holidays went well, or were mercifully short if they went poorly.

The end is still in sight, we promise. Our seamstress is back to work finishing the remaining plush. Our Keepsake  layout person was in the hospital, but is home and recovering. Their affected arm caused them to be unable to work for a while so they are just now easing back into it. And our DTRPG contact has identified the print file errors for ASPS so those are being fixed as well.

Our enamel pins for Paragon are coming along nicely, and a new set for Keepsakes will be crowdfunding later this month.

In March we are participating in Backerkit's Pocketopia. The game, Troubleseekers, is already written and edited. We have art starting, maps made, and music being composed to accompany it! A different layout team will be working on it, so it is expected to be able to fulfil MUCH faster.

We again apologise for the delays, and hope to have the finished products in your hands soon!

So Close You Can Taste It
10 months ago – Fri, May 17, 2024 at 06:27:46 PM

While we are still struggling with the print file for ASPS, Keepsakes is officially out of editing!! 

What this means for you - 

While layout goes through to add all the art, and format everything so it looks good, we will be sending all Keepsakes backers a copy of the edit. Think of it as an exclusive raw look at how editors leave notes for the layout team! All the content is there, and you'll still receive the official pdf (and eventually print for those who ordered them) version but with this you can finally FINALLY read what we've made and begin play if desired.

Just keep an eye on your Backerkit account, as that is where you'll be able to download Keepsakes: Final Edit!

And while I'm on the subject of Backerkit, we have a small project running over there for enamel pins in a tarot theme featuring races of D&D. It funded in 7 hours, and ends Monday, so check it out this weekend! There's a free Fool's Moon pin for everyone if we can reach 100 backers (just need 22 more!) and the more you back, the more designs we can unlock!!

Three tiers offer customisation options: work with our artists and developers to make your Tabaxi on The Moon card, Kobold on The Hierophant, or Tortle on The Hermit. These will then be available for all backers to choose as a design, and you will receive 10 to keep or give away, along with one of each unlocked design.

Here's a peek at some of what's available, what's possible, and how they're designed for the manufacture to make! They'll have transparent stained glass effects, with some screen printed details, and sandblasted textures.

And a custom pin board to display them!

Happy 2024!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Jan 03, 2024 at 10:59:27 AM

I know it feels like forever but we really are so close!

Now that we're through the holiday season, the team is back and hard at work. The revised ASPS file has been submitted to the printer. Once approved, we'll order the proof and hopefully it will look great and we can begin shipping!

Keepsakes had been headed for layout, when the lead designer was hit with an inspiration bug. This has sadly delayed things, as they added a whole slew of new content and tweaked a couple of things. It's now back with the editor but should be completed soon! Then back to layout, after which we'll send y'all who ordered it the PDF while we await the approval from the printer. I know it's a setback, but the end result is more and better content for you!

In other news, a separate part of the team have been working on social justice subclasses for D&D 5e, and a third are hard at work on a 2nd edition for Fox Magic which uses ASPS mechanics. Fox Magic has 2 stand alone adventures we have now published - Kuromori Hill, and Fox Dreams of the New Year. They include sample characters and enough rules to run without the core book, so if you're curious about the setting or want to see ASPS in action, feel free to pick those up on Drive Thru RPG. We need more playtesters to run the 5e classes and provide us feedback on what works and what doesn't. Please drop us a line at [email protected] if you'd like to volunteer. 

We were out at Big Bad Con in September, and it was great to see those of you who made it out and to make new connections in the industry. We even got noticed by Matt Mercer (yes, *THAT* Matt Mercer) who gave our stuff a look and took our business card.

For you UK folks, we'll have our partners at Bindwood Gaming selling some of our games at Bedford Tabeltop Expo in February. Drop in and show them some love!

We're hoping to get out to more conventions this year and in the future. Is there any in your areas that you'd like to see us at? Let us know in the comments!

ASPS Released, Keepsakes in the Final Stretch!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Nov 01, 2023 at 06:31:51 PM

Hello, backers!

We've got a few things to let you know as we move forward.  Sorry for the delay, but in all this scramble we've got things done!  The ASPS PDF is now out, and we're finalising the printed version. We're looking for people to share their ideas for new ASPS settings, while working on a few of our own to help support the game.

Keepsakes has gone through editing, proof reading, more editing, and yet more proof reading.  Each time we do a pass it comes out stronger, and we're on the final pass now.  It's a large book, passing the 100 page mark, and will be even bigger once layout is done! The book looks solid, and should be in layout at the end of the month. Sorry for the delay, but we want to give you the best book we can.

Hopefully we'll be back with more good news soon!

Good News! (sort of)
over 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 30, 2023 at 08:31:25 PM

What half of you have been waiting for! ASPS is *completed*!!

You can download your PDF copies on Backerkit now!

Print copies are having the bleed adjusted before the file is resent to the printer (it was off by 0.1 of the margin) but will be hitting the presses soon!

For the other half of you waiting for Keepsakes, layout is working hard on the files and while we'd hoped to have them by the start of September, it's looking like October might be more realistic due to their dayjob commitments but they'll try to get it to us sooner.

Shipping will start soon, just awaiting the arrival of the plushies and dice (I'll be touching base with those crafters next to ensure they're en route) and the print files approved so they can be printed and shipped to us too. But hey, things are finally moving visibly forward!

I know it's been a looooong wait, and we appreciate y'all for sticking through it with us. We hope we can take what we've learned here and set better expectations for future projects, and hope you'll be willing to give us another chance when that time comes!

Once again, you can join us on Discord: - if you DM anyone with the Grundy role and give them your backer number, you get a special role with your own channel that gives you access to staff and sneak peeks at projects and art and things we're up to.

The end is in sight, y'all! We're nearly there!